A meal commonly consumed in some parts of Thailand has gained attention for its alarming link to cancer. This dish, known as “koi pla”, is a traditional delicacy made of raw fish, herbs, and spices. While it may seem harmless, the preparation process harbors a hidden danger: it can expose people to a parasite that significantly increases the risk of liver cancer.
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- The Hidden Threat in Koi Pla
- Koi pla is often made using raw freshwater fish, which can carry liver flukes (a type of parasitic flatworm). When consumed, these parasites lodge in the bile ducts of the liver, leading to chronic inflammation and scarring. Over time, this can result in a deadly form of cancer called cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer).
- cause of cancer.
- Shocking Statistics
- Thailand, particularly the northeastern region, sees alarmingly high rates of cholangiocarcinoma. The disease claims around 20,000 lives annually, and a significant portion of these cases can be traced back to the consumption of koi pla.
- Why People Still Eat It
- Koi pla remains popular due to its cultural significance and the ease of preparation. Many locals are unaware of the risks, while others may lack access to resources for safe food preparation.
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- Prevention and Awareness
- To reduce the risk of liver fluke infection and cancer, health experts recommend:
- Avoiding raw or undercooked fish
- Thoroughly cooking fish to kill parasites
- Participating in educational programs to raise awareness about the dangers of consuming raw fish
- The Bottom Line
- While koi pla is a traditional dish, the risks associated with eating it raw far outweigh its appeal. Protecting one’s health through informed choices and safe food practices is crucial to combating this preventable